Breathing exercises for weight loss

Particularly lazy do not want to lose weight by undergoing active exercise and a "painful" diet of proper nutrition. It is for them that nutritionists have developed breathing exercises for weight loss, which allows within a few days to significantly reduce volume and tighten muscles. Is this really possible?

breathing exercises for weight loss

It turns out that breathing exercises not only contribute to weight loss, but also significantly reduce the risk of developing most diseases - for example, cardiovascular or musculoskeletal pathologies. It all has to do with proper breathing and saturation of the body's cells with the oxygen needed for normal life. In fact, this can be achieved through regular sports, but since this is not in ordinary life, it means that the deficit should be supplemented with breathing exercises.

What are breathing exercises?

Experts say that breathing exercises help to lose weight due to the supply of oxygen to fat cells and their subsequent burning in the body - this way the process is significantly accelerated (it is this fact that encourages those who are losing weight to breathe asshould when playing sports). This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who have lost weight, who performed exercises with a certain regularity.

This is important: Choosing the type of exercise for weight loss is recommended only with the permission of your doctor. This will allow you to choose a technique that will not damage existing illnesses or injuries that have occurred once.

Breathing gymnastics today is represented by a set of different exercises, which are divided into techniques - body bending, oxisize, yoga, pranayama and other practices. All of these methods are based on deep breathing, which ensures the penetration of oxygen deep into the blood cells and internal organs.

Advantages of the technique

Breathing exercises to weaken the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas have the following advantages:

  • Deep breathing promotes the oxidation of fat cells, resulting in their natural burning. If people were always breathing properly, there would be no problems with being overweight. According to specialist research, the average person uses only 25% of their lung volume.
  • Saturation of the body with oxygen promotes better absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the digestive tract. This significantly improves metabolism, which counteracts weight gain.
  • Oxygen helps to suppress appetite, as it promotes the production of ATP molecules - substances responsible for the rapid breakdown of food that comes into energy. The same fact naturally leads to rapid satiety.
  • If you breathe properly, you can get rid of toxins and other harmful substances accumulated in fat cells. This fact helps in their rapid oxidation and elimination from the body.
  • Breathing gymnastics exercises are also allowed to be performed by injured persons, who are prohibited from standard sports.

The technique of breathing exercises for weight loss is often recommended to fight the abdomen. This is due to the simple fact of the deposition of fat cells in the internal organs of the abdominal space. As a rule, these fat cells accumulate quickly in case of overeating or ingestion of large amounts of fatty foods and at the same time are eliminated first. Therefore, if problems occur in the presented area, along with a restriction on nutrition, it is necessary to do breathing exercises.

Effective class

Exercises can be performed to reduce weight by choosing a specific complex with a doctor. Alternatively, it is enough to refer to the standard exercises, which will be presented below and are effective for the overall elimination of excess body fat.

"Count to 4"

In a standing position, take a deep breath - inhale slowly, for this you should mentally count to 4. Breathing is delayed - also count to 4. There is a slow exhalation, during which it is also counted to 4. This is repeated inat least 10 times. It is recommended to do such an exercise whenever a stressful situation arises, or there is a desire to eat, but not because of a restriction or diet.

"We draw in the stomach"

This exercise will have a great effect on the condition of the abdomen, as it allows you to not only remove excess fat, but also significantly tighten the muscles. Exercise is a normal deep breathing with the nose in a standing position, when the abdomen is pulled and the muscles tense at the same time. This is followed by a slight holding of breath. The extraction is performed in oral motion with tightly closed lips - while the abdominal muscles also gradually weaken. The exercise is difficult to perform the first time and should be repeated at least 20 times. Therefore, such breathing is performed throughout the day, until they reach the norm.

"Breathing belly"

The following exercise will help you tighten your abdominal muscles. The advantage of actions is that they can be performed at any convenient time and place. Sitting in a chair, bending your knees at right angles, perform characteristic abdominal breathing, tensing the abdominal muscles. The exercise begins with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the load to 40 breaths in a row.

"Pressure change"

Breathing gymnastics can be performed in the supine position. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach. The exercise is performed by taking deep breaths with the chest, during which the stomach is pulled - in addition, it is pressed by hand. During extraction, the stomach swells and the chest presses. Do at least 20 reps, you can increase the number of breaths, but without reducing the volume of the lungs.

Practical Tips: To make this type of weight loss more fun, it is recommended to do classroom video exercises or quiet music.


In order for breathing exercises to have a positive effect on weight loss, you need to follow the recommendations and simple rules of the "developers". The basic principles of performing breathing exercises include:

  • regular execution;
  • performance for a long time is constantly improved;
  • breathing should be sober and slow;
  • it is recommended to start breathing exercises on an empty stomach - this will not cause abdominal pain, shortness of breath and headache;
  • provide yourself with fresh air during exercise - it is better to do aerobics on the street, in extreme cases on the balcony.

Strict adherence to the rules and recommendations for performing breathing exercises contributes to rapid weight loss. If correct breathing is a way to lose weight with a significant deviation in weight from the norm, then they are adhering to it in addition to proper nutrition. Here is the rejection of fatty, starchy and sweet foods.

Often, for motivation and regular exercise, women and men enroll specifically in yoga, oxisize, body flex and other courses. Here the trainer will help eliminate possible mistakes, which are often made by beginners, and individually design a scheme for performing the exercises. It should also be noted that the weight from the breathing exercises decreases slowly - it is much faster to evaluate the result with reduced volumes.